A Beginner's Guide To Yoni Steaming

History of Yoni Steams

Yoni steaming is part of the Mayan, African, and Asian culture. It is practiced in at least 28 countries, but it's exact origin is unsure. The word "Yoni" is a Sanskrit word for the female genitalia, the womb, and vagina. It means "sacred place" and symbolizes our divine nature and its sacred portal to life.

What Is A Yoni Steam?

Yoni steams are a holistic health practice in which a woman allows the warmth of a herbal steam to gently permeate the exterior of her Yoni. It can aid in the healing the Yoni after all we put it through (menstruation, sex, childbirth, on top of changing hormones and pelvic floor issues). The herbs are brewed in a steam pot and placed under your open-seated chair. A blanket is wrapped around you to create a barrier to trap the steam inside allowing the warmth to enter your body directly through your Yoni and penetrate to your uterus and pelvis.

Benefits of Steaming

Physically, Yoni Steaming can reduce pain, bloating, and exhaustion associated with menstruation. It can decrease heavy flow and regulate irregular or absent menstrual cycles. It allows for more rapid healing and toning after vaginal birth, including vaginal tearing and episiotomies that may happen during the process. It can also eases the discomfort of uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse, and endometriosis. Steaming can help restore bacterial and pH balance to aid in the prevention of infections, BV, and natural occurring odors. It can aid in conceiving by moistening the membranes to be more receptive, and cleaning out and renewing your uterine lining; both improving the conditions for conception to occur. Steaming can improve libido, as well as relieve the symptoms of menopause including dryness or pain. Overall, it helps detoxify the womb, and bring it back to its desired state of health.

Emotionally and Spiritually, Yoni Steams allow women to reconnect to the ancestral wisdom of the womb. Steams grant you access to ultimate feminine energy that gives rise to our vibrant radiance and creative potential as women. It releases stored emotions, tension, and anxiety while creating a state of bliss. The ULTIMATE form of self-care!

When To Steam

First, keep in mind that the Yoni Steaming schedule depends on your personal steaming goal! A steaming plan for someone whose goal is to help with fertility will look a lot different from somebody who wants help balance their cycle.

If you have a healthy, pain-free menstrual cycle, steaming 1-2 times a month is recommended (can go up to 4 times) and can be considered apart of your self-care routine. Some women find it appropriate to steam seasonally (every 3/4 months) with the changing seasons. *The solstices and equinoxes are the perfect time to reconnect with yourself as you leave one season and enter the next.

If you suffer from pain, bloating, heavy bleeding, or exhaustion during menstruation it is recommended you steam one to two times a week, up to two weeks before your menstrual cycle. You may also wish to steam after you completed your cycle to clear out any excess/left-over material in the uterus.

If you are actively trying to conceive, steam one time a week, and two times during your pre-ovulation phase up until ovulation. Do NOT steam on fertile days or after your ovulation until you're sure you did not conceive. Results take longer for some, but don't expect to see results until after 3 months of consistent steaming.(TW: Miscarriage) Miscarriages are a big deal, and they happen more than you think, especially along the conception journey. They can take a physical toll on your body, and your emotional well-being. Yoni steams allow you to take care of your womb while creating a safe and blissful space. You can steam once all bleeding has stopped.

During your postpartum phase, steaming can bring nourishing heat which supports the body to release fluids and aids in the shrinking of the womb back to pre-pregnancy size. Midwives recommend a woman who completed a natural birth to have 3 steams within the first 9 days postpartum. During the first few days, however, you should not attempt to perform steams by themselves/unattended.

Anytime you want to feel refreshed, and after you check your ovulation calendar if you're trying to conceive, feel free to steam! Yoni steams are known to revitalize vaginal tissue, and moisten vaginal dryness (which can also benefit women going through Post/Peri Menopause). You can use your Yoni steam after separating from a sexual partner as a way to clear the old energy. Remember, Yoni steams are not only beneficial for the body, they're good for the mind and spirit as well!

Do NOT Steam-

During ovulation if you're trying to conceive.

Pregnant, or you think you may be pregnant.

If you have any type IUD (Intrauterine Device)

Have an active internal infection (cervical, uterine, or ovarian inflammation) with a fever.

Actively menstruating

Have any open Herpes sores or blisters present. Soak AFTER the blisters have burst and the infected area has healed.

Preparing A Yoni Steam

Set yourself up with a safe, clean, private, and pleasant area. We personally recommend cleaning the area, not only of physical dirt and debris, but of any negative energy ( lighting incense, burning candles, playing music, smudging the area, whatever you practice and decide will make the area the most appeasing to you.

In a medium-covered pot, pour 8 cups(2 quarts) of (preferably spring) water. Place 3/4 cup of dried herbs into the water. Do not add or use "essential oils", as they are too strong and may burn sensitive genital tissue. Bring water and herbs to a soft boil for about 5 minutes. Turn off the heat, leave the lid on, and allow the herbs to steep for at least another 5 minutes. It is VERY important to test the temperature of the steam before using it. If it is too hot, wait another 15-20 seconds and test it again until it feels comfortably warm to steam with. Pour 4 cups(half of the pot) into your steam bowl. (It is recommended you do not steam with a plastic bowl, as plastic is known to leak toxic chemicals when heated up, which will then have direct access to be absorbed into the Yoni) Wave your hand about where you'll be sitting above the herbal water to make sure it is not too hot and will not be uncomfortable. Remove your clothing from the waist down and sit on your seat above the steaming water. Drape a large blanket, robe, or sheet around your waist down to the floor to ensure no steam escapes. Make sure to keep yourself warm, keeping something on your feet and neck. When the steam dies down, dump the herbal water out. Repeat with the second half of the water left.

Most at-home steamers choose to steam in the bathroom as it is the most convenient place to sit. It is recommended you thoroughly clean out your toilet bowl and then place a glass or stainless steel bowl inside of your toilet.

After The Steam

Immediately after steaming, you may feel extremely relaxed, emotional, or tired. Afterward, remain wrapped in a blanket and rest in a warm space (your bed, couch, etc.) The Yoni Steam herbs will continue to work on your womb as you rest.

Days following your steam, you may experience changes in your cycle, such as lighter menstruations, releasing of dark blood/clots, and sudden oncoming of menstrual cycle. You may also experience some cervical fluid/discharge.

If for any reason you experience any sort of rash, pain, or itching, then you could have an infection and should consult with a medical professional immediately. Your health is our first concern, and we would like that once you get cleared from your doctor, you reach out to Yinbrace and let us know!

Yoni Steam Support

While we know Yoni Steaming is considered an intimate experience, we are here to help! If you have ANY questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Yinbrace! Steaming for the first time can be an intimidating experience, and we are here to make it as healing as possible. We stand behind our products 1000%, but we do understand that every female body is different and may react to our products differently.